Illustrator | Project 1

Design Brief

Subject: CD/DVD CASE

  • Create a fictitious product company, logo and package/label design for your company. All CD/DVD designs must contain complete information.
  • Develop a CD/DVD cover/back cover/spin design, according to the following specifications.
  • Size: Determine the CD/DVD size from those in production. (4.75″ X 4.75″)
  • Include: title, logo, song or product list, manufacturer’s name, manufacturer’s contact information, manufacturer’s address, bar code or QR code, etc. Whatever you would normally find on a CD/DVD cover.
  • Product Name: Student choice – do not use an existing CD/DVD name.
  • Manufacturer: Student choice – do not use an existing CD/DVD name.
  • Logo: The product must contain a logo that matches the company name selected by the student.


  • The CD/DVD design must contain all of the information that is normally found on a CD/DVD.
  • Selection of type styles, typefaces and the box package is made by the student.
  • The logo and CD/DVD design must demonstrate unity by using common themes. which demonstrates they are from the same product line.
  • The labels should fit the container neatly and look professional. You need to start with a CD/DVD case first to design your insert to fit, not the other way around.

Project Submission and Printout:

The final CD/DVD cover/back cover/spin must be printed in color, and at full size.
Design should be inserted into the CD/DVD case.

Design should also be uploaded to your Flickr, copy the image URL, add media and insert it onto you project 1 page o your website. All files must be burned onto a dvd and the dvd must be included in the case. Please make sure to label the CD/DVD as well. KEEP ALL ORIGINAL FILES. They will be turned in at the end of the semester.

Word document, research, sketches, design iterations and final design in the following formats: .ai, .jpg and .doc should be burned to the CD/DVD and labeled as follows: Project I labeled: Last Name_First Name_Date_Project I_Illustrator_DVD.

The design will be turned in as a Adobe Illustrator file, a .jpg file as well as attached to CD/DVD they are design to fit. The written description and research for the project in Microsoft Word will be turned in .doc format and the project sketches will be turned in .jpg format.

Items That Must Be Physically Turned In On Week 6 |  at the BEGINNING of class:

  • CD/DVD with your designs inserted into the case.
  • Paper print out of the project written description.
  • All .ai, .jpg and .doc files burned to a CD/DVD which should be inserted into the case.
  • Adobe Illustrator Project I: Written Description (500 WORD MINIMUM)

Requirement Summary

  • Photos can only be used only if they are converted to a graphic in Illustrator with Image Trace and Live Paint and even then must be used sparingly.
  • Your logo must use multiple Illustrator tools and procedures and may NOT be created only from text.
  • Design must be cleanly and neatly attached to a CD/DVD case to illustrate that they were design and fit the shape of the specific container.
  • Each design must contain the usual information that is used for that product.
  • The labels must fit their container well and look professional.
  • A Microsoft Word document with the following information must be included with your final project I submission. It must include a written description explaining the tools, principles, and elements you used in designing your product.
  • The write-up should specifically define the what and why of each element designed and why you designed it that way. The Word document will be graded both for content and grammar.
  • Adobe Illustrator Project I: Written Description Should Include:
  • Write a description of the logo design process/ product design process and the thinking behind its design.

The following items should be included in your project description: Remember to include your full name, date, project I and project title in the document.

The content of the Illustrator Project Written Description must include the following:

  • The name of the company and product your design was created for.
  • What image is your company attempting to project and why?
  • Why did you select the colors you did for your label designs?
  • What research did you do to make the designs fit the nature of the company or product?
  • What did you do to assure that the designs would work for the CD/DVD containers you used?
  • What elements are your center of interest on your designs and why?
  • Describe the flow throughout the various parts of your designs.
  • What elements did you use to create unity between the logo and the cover design?
  • Describe how you created unity between the logo, cover, and other parts of the packaging.
  • How successful do you think you were in meeting the product need to get customers to understand your CD/DVD?
  • What Illustrator tools did you rely on most and why did you choose these tools?
  • What problems did you encounter while creating your designs and logo and how did you solve them?
  • What would you do differently, if you could start over?

NOTE: If you need help with Punctuation and Grammar Rules, review the Owl website, sponsored by Purdue University:

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